MS Views and News

MS Views and News
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Monday, March 2, 2009

MS in the News Stem Cell, Tysabri, Stress, Fatigue and much more

February 26, 2009

In this weeks' edition:
  1. Having direct access to this e-newsletter;
  2. The RSS feed so that you can receive immediate BLOG postings;
  3. A video on a wheelchair excursion from an MS patient;
  4. Information on Barrier Free Living;
  5. Information on this weekend's Ft. Lauderdale MS walk;
  6. A Streaming Video of a PBS MS Program;
  7. Info for the next MS Foundation Cruise (to Alaska)
  8. AND our weekly postings which includes: Stress and MS, Tysabri, Stem Cells, Fatigue, Cognitive Issues and so much more. Review the Titles to each topic category and then click to read items of interest
*For all reading this e-Newsletter from a source other than via Stuart's direct email, take a few moments to complete the registration to receive updates and this MS e-Newsletter directly. No need to rely on a friend to forward you the latest MS News.*

WHERE YOU SEE this symbol: (an RSS feed) - on the MS BLOG address bar (also known as a URL), click the feed -to subscribe for immediate receipt of Blog postings, as they are posted

THIS Week's Postings:

Reminder - Catch up on previous 2009 e-Newsletter issues by visiting our e-newsletter blog-archives

Information from an MS Patient:
Hello Stuart,
I just wanted to thank you for sending out these newsletters, which are an invaluable resource for very important MS information. You're really doing a great service to the MS community.
I've got a couple of links I thought you might like to post.
The first is of a video I made of a wheelchair excursion through the upper West side of Manhattan. It seems to be getting a very nice response, and fellow MSer's are telling me that it's not only entertaining but has helped them in their own struggles to come to grips with the increasing disabilities they face. I hope you'll include it in your newsletter. If the response continues to be good, I hope to be posting more of these videos in the future...
I also came across a very interesting website that I think has a tremendous potential to be a very valuable resource for the worldwide MS community. It's a place were you can post info, both positive and negative, about MS neurologists you've had experiences with. Of course, you can also read what others have posted about a neuro you might be considering seeing.
It would be great if this could become a comprehensive database that could help MSer's weed through some of the terrible doctors out there, and find the great ones. New patients especially could benefit from the experiences of those of us that have been "around the block a few times", and old hands might find direction to doctors who could give a valuable second opinion... -
I hope you find these links suitable for inclusion in your newsletter, and maybe even worthy of appearing in your blog.
Keep up the great work, it's very much appreciated.
Marc Stecker

You might even recognize some of the medical professionals found in this video.

e-Newsletter Disclaimer:

***Editor's Note: The intent of this newsletter is to provide information on various medical conditions, medications, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to keep you informed of current health-related issues. It is not intended to be complete or exhaustive, nor is it a substitute for the advice of your physician. Should you or your family members have any specific medical problem, seek medical care promptly.


Please share this email with caregivers, friends and others whom you know with Multiple Sclerosis
Thank You - Stay safe - and look forward to next week's e-newsletter
Appreciatively, Stuart Schlossman - editor

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